Hi Janet. Great of you to reply. I’ve been rooting around on the Free BMD website for info re Gascoignes. I found a birth which could be Charles’s in 1877 so I’m wondering if he was a brother to the Lily Gascoigne on my tree and in the photo. I found a marriage in 1904 to a Lillian Wells which could be the Wells you’re thinking of. As yet I don’t know of any births from their wedding in 1904 but from 1914 (when the mother’s maiden name is shown on BMD) there are 7.
If you want to look for yourself just google Free BMD.
Charles and Edith Rivington didn’t have any family but Cyril married Grace Wood and they had John and Marion as you say. Grace died in 1938 and Cyril married Alice Whitlam in 1951 the year that Kathleen was born.
I’m inclined to think that the Mr and Mrs Rivington in the photo are Billy’s parents, John and Lily.
I can remember my dad taking me and my sister for a walk one Sunday morning on Barbers Lane in the early 1940s and we had a ride in Gascoigne’s pony and trap. I didn’t like it much as it was very bumpy. The things that stick in ones mind.
I was born and brought up on Primrose Lane which is a stone’s throw from Barbers Lane as you’ll know.
Kind regards, Sheila.
Hi Sheila a bit more info you are right about Charles being born in 1877. I recently found his and his wife’s headstone in the cemetery. He died in 1942 aged 64 so that makes the date you have for his birth about right. He had 4 siblings possibly 5 amongst them 2 sisters Maggie and Lily who will be the one on your tree. The confusion came with him marrying a Lillian who was a Wells. Keeping up so far. I’m getting more confused every time someone else is added. Charles and Lillian had 13 children of which 11 survived. They were my dads generation and there is a lovely group photo of them on the web site. If you want to find it let me know and I will tell you where to look. As to the Rivingtons I don’t know much about them but do remember Squib & Wag had a wicked sense of humour. On a weekend trip to Blackpool illumination’s they along with my dad & his brother got into hot water for pinching a ladies red & white striped pyjama’s and waving them through the bus window to the b&b landlady as we left. If you remember miss Davies from school it was her sister and you might guess from that family connection staunch catholics she was mortified. Looking at the photo they look so serious its hard to believe they would do anything remotely funny but there are other things I remember so if you want to know more better get in touch via email. If I find out any more I will let you know. By the way you may not know me but I do remember your name from school and you may remember my husband Roy & his twin Geoff they were probably at school when you were, both sadly gone now . Till next time Janet
Hi Janet. I’d love to look at the photo you mention on the website. I vaguely remember Roy and Geoffrey at school but more so Norman who will have been in the same year as me. My e-mail address is sheilamichelle@talktalk.net.
Kind regards. Sheila.
Hi Sheila there are lots of family photos on the first column. Some older family and some of Roy and his brothers in the school football teams. To find the Gascoigne ones scroll to the bottom of the first page. Then go back slowly 7 rows, you will see a pink picture of a man holding a swan on the right hand side. The Gascoigne are on that row and the one below. They are the old sepia colour. If you go further up the page you will see a school photo of me in a gymslip. The old man leaning on a shovel with a cig in his mouth wearing a flat cap in the one beside me is old uncle Fred and he would probably be the one who took you a ride in the pony and trap. I was talking to Sandra Webster who works in Coopers the other day and she told me she had seen you in Killamarsh. From that I gathered you still live locally. So if you are around any Friday morning from 10am some of us from the heritage group meet in the bottom chapel for a coffee and a natter. Feel free to join us, some times my cousin Barry Jones comes and he can remember more than me. Regards Janet
Sorry Sheila gave you wrong message the picture of me in gymslip has Roy and his twin as toddlers beside it. The one you need for Fred has a picture of me on a motorbike that’s in the right hand column Fred is in the middle. Good luck
Hi Janet. I’ve seen most of the photos you mention now which is why I haven’t replied before. The lady in Cooper’s is getting me mixed up with my sister who is 5 years older. She lives in Killamarsh but I don’t. Thank you for inviting me to your get togethers unfortunately I don’t drive and the bus services are dire. I also meet up with former work mates on a Tuesday and Thursday mornings most weeks. There is a photo of my dad taken when he was in the ARP during the war. Its near the bottom on the left hand side of the 1st page and is of the Norwood unit taken in Mr. Hayes garden.
Hi Sheila I will tell Sandra about the mistake when I see her but the offer still stands if you are ever in Killamarsh get in touch and maybe we could meet and swap stories in person. I must admit though this family connecting is get more confusing. My cousin Barry went to visit an old friend last week and as is usual out came the old photo’s. Do you remember Edna Walker her family kept a chip shop on Sheffield road just past Beech’s paper shop. She married Hedley Booker from Kiveton. I’m not sure which family the picture was from his or hers but someone connected to whoever was an uncle from the Gascoigne family. Edna was not well so Barry didn’t get ant details. I suppose if we went far back enough we are all related in some way. Though that thought worries me a bit with some people I know. It would be nice if somebody connected turned up on Heir Hunters and they had pots of money and a nice big house somewhere warm to visit. Preferably before Christmas . Anyway have a good one and keep in touch. Janet
Hi Sheila don’t know if any of this will help but the 2 Rivington’s in this photo Charlie known as wag his wife was Edith and Cyril known as squib were cousin’s to my dad Harold Gascoigne. Charlie had no children as far as I know but Cyril had 2 children to his first marriage John and Marion both now passed. Then another daughter Katherine to his second wife who I believe became a police woman. I am intrigued though with the name Lily Gascoigne. My grandmothers name was Lily Gascoigne but she was married to Charles who was the local funeral director. There is a photo of him driving the shelabier and horses on the web site. I can’t remember further back than I think my gran was the Rivington side of the family but was a Wells before she married. There is also a photo of an old lady wearing glasses stood by a wall which was in front of the cottage that stood in front of Moorhouse farm the Gascoigne home. She was known by all the family as aunty Rivington and was Charlie and Cyril’s mum and they all lived in this cottage at one point. The farm is now a striking pink colour and stand’s back from the bridge on lock hill but the cottage has gone I think. Hope this help’s to connect some dot’s but am curious if there is a Gascoigne secret we never knew. Janet Jackson nee Gascoigne
I’m researching my family trees and have Willis Goodwin (1903-1982) also William Frederick Rivington (1900-1960) whom I believe are those in the photo. Willis’s parents were Alfred Goodwin and Ann Shirtcliffe. William’s parents were John Rivington and Lily Gascoigne. My maternal grandparents were George Henry Goodwin and Frances Ellen Rivington.
Its me again Sheila I have just taken another look at the old lady we knew as aunty Rivington and I see her maiden name was Gascoigne so she must have been my granddad Charles sister and not as I thought from my grandmother’s side of the family.Janet
The location of this picture is the Pavilion at Matlock Bath.
Hi Janet. Great of you to reply. I’ve been rooting around on the Free BMD website for info re Gascoignes. I found a birth which could be Charles’s in 1877 so I’m wondering if he was a brother to the Lily Gascoigne on my tree and in the photo. I found a marriage in 1904 to a Lillian Wells which could be the Wells you’re thinking of. As yet I don’t know of any births from their wedding in 1904 but from 1914 (when the mother’s maiden name is shown on BMD) there are 7.
If you want to look for yourself just google Free BMD.
Charles and Edith Rivington didn’t have any family but Cyril married Grace Wood and they had John and Marion as you say. Grace died in 1938 and Cyril married Alice Whitlam in 1951 the year that Kathleen was born.
I’m inclined to think that the Mr and Mrs Rivington in the photo are Billy’s parents, John and Lily.
I can remember my dad taking me and my sister for a walk one Sunday morning on Barbers Lane in the early 1940s and we had a ride in Gascoigne’s pony and trap. I didn’t like it much as it was very bumpy. The things that stick in ones mind.
I was born and brought up on Primrose Lane which is a stone’s throw from Barbers Lane as you’ll know.
Kind regards, Sheila.
Hi Sheila a bit more info you are right about Charles being born in 1877. I recently found his and his wife’s headstone in the cemetery. He died in 1942 aged 64 so that makes the date you have for his birth about right. He had 4 siblings possibly 5 amongst them 2 sisters Maggie and Lily who will be the one on your tree. The confusion came with him marrying a Lillian who was a Wells. Keeping up so far. I’m getting more confused every time someone else is added. Charles and Lillian had 13 children of which 11 survived. They were my dads generation and there is a lovely group photo of them on the web site. If you want to find it let me know and I will tell you where to look. As to the Rivingtons I don’t know much about them but do remember Squib & Wag had a wicked sense of humour. On a weekend trip to Blackpool illumination’s they along with my dad & his brother got into hot water for pinching a ladies red & white striped pyjama’s and waving them through the bus window to the b&b landlady as we left. If you remember miss Davies from school it was her sister and you might guess from that family connection staunch catholics she was mortified. Looking at the photo they look so serious its hard to believe they would do anything remotely funny but there are other things I remember so if you want to know more better get in touch via email. If I find out any more I will let you know. By the way you may not know me but I do remember your name from school and you may remember my husband Roy & his twin Geoff they were probably at school when you were, both sadly gone now . Till next time Janet
Hi Janet. I’d love to look at the photo you mention on the website. I vaguely remember Roy and Geoffrey at school but more so Norman who will have been in the same year as me. My e-mail address is sheilamichelle@talktalk.net.
Kind regards. Sheila.
Hi Sheila there are lots of family photos on the first column. Some older family and some of Roy and his brothers in the school football teams. To find the Gascoigne ones scroll to the bottom of the first page. Then go back slowly 7 rows, you will see a pink picture of a man holding a swan on the right hand side. The Gascoigne are on that row and the one below. They are the old sepia colour. If you go further up the page you will see a school photo of me in a gymslip. The old man leaning on a shovel with a cig in his mouth wearing a flat cap in the one beside me is old uncle Fred and he would probably be the one who took you a ride in the pony and trap. I was talking to Sandra Webster who works in Coopers the other day and she told me she had seen you in Killamarsh. From that I gathered you still live locally. So if you are around any Friday morning from 10am some of us from the heritage group meet in the bottom chapel for a coffee and a natter. Feel free to join us, some times my cousin Barry Jones comes and he can remember more than me. Regards Janet
Sorry Sheila gave you wrong message the picture of me in gymslip has Roy and his twin as toddlers beside it. The one you need for Fred has a picture of me on a motorbike that’s in the right hand column Fred is in the middle. Good luck
Hi Janet. I’ve seen most of the photos you mention now which is why I haven’t replied before. The lady in Cooper’s is getting me mixed up with my sister who is 5 years older. She lives in Killamarsh but I don’t. Thank you for inviting me to your get togethers unfortunately I don’t drive and the bus services are dire. I also meet up with former work mates on a Tuesday and Thursday mornings most weeks. There is a photo of my dad taken when he was in the ARP during the war. Its near the bottom on the left hand side of the 1st page and is of the Norwood unit taken in Mr. Hayes garden.
Hi Sheila I will tell Sandra about the mistake when I see her but the offer still stands if you are ever in Killamarsh get in touch and maybe we could meet and swap stories in person. I must admit though this family connecting is get more confusing. My cousin Barry went to visit an old friend last week and as is usual out came the old photo’s. Do you remember Edna Walker her family kept a chip shop on Sheffield road just past Beech’s paper shop. She married Hedley Booker from Kiveton. I’m not sure which family the picture was from his or hers but someone connected to whoever was an uncle from the Gascoigne family. Edna was not well so Barry didn’t get ant details. I suppose if we went far back enough we are all related in some way. Though that thought worries me a bit with some people I know. It would be nice if somebody connected turned up on Heir Hunters and they had pots of money and a nice big house somewhere warm to visit. Preferably before Christmas . Anyway have a good one and keep in touch. Janet
Hi Sheila don’t know if any of this will help but the 2 Rivington’s in this photo Charlie known as wag his wife was Edith and Cyril known as squib were cousin’s to my dad Harold Gascoigne. Charlie had no children as far as I know but Cyril had 2 children to his first marriage John and Marion both now passed. Then another daughter Katherine to his second wife who I believe became a police woman. I am intrigued though with the name Lily Gascoigne. My grandmothers name was Lily Gascoigne but she was married to Charles who was the local funeral director. There is a photo of him driving the shelabier and horses on the web site. I can’t remember further back than I think my gran was the Rivington side of the family but was a Wells before she married. There is also a photo of an old lady wearing glasses stood by a wall which was in front of the cottage that stood in front of Moorhouse farm the Gascoigne home. She was known by all the family as aunty Rivington and was Charlie and Cyril’s mum and they all lived in this cottage at one point. The farm is now a striking pink colour and stand’s back from the bridge on lock hill but the cottage has gone I think. Hope this help’s to connect some dot’s but am curious if there is a Gascoigne secret we never knew. Janet Jackson nee Gascoigne
I’m researching my family trees and have Willis Goodwin (1903-1982) also William Frederick Rivington (1900-1960) whom I believe are those in the photo. Willis’s parents were Alfred Goodwin and Ann Shirtcliffe. William’s parents were John Rivington and Lily Gascoigne. My maternal grandparents were George Henry Goodwin and Frances Ellen Rivington.
Its me again Sheila I have just taken another look at the old lady we knew as aunty Rivington and I see her maiden name was Gascoigne so she must have been my granddad Charles sister and not as I thought from my grandmother’s side of the family.Janet
Trip to Roche Abbey.
Standing: Willis Goodwin, Cyril Rivington, Charlie Rivington, Edith Rivington, Evelyn Milner, Mr Rivington.
Seated: ? Hillaby, Billy Rivington, Joe Hipkiss, ? Hipkiss, Mrs Rivington, Harry Milner, Mrs Hipkiss, ? Beresford.