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The Silver Jubilee of King George and Queen Mary on 6th May 1935.
At the entry of Hutchby row. 227/229 Sheffield Road.
Tom Swindell, David Milner, Mary Williams, Gladys Sharp (Milner) holding gthe baby, Flory Manchester, Emma Manchester, Doris Jones, Flory Jones, Mrs Tesh, John Oldfield.
Front row: Norman Turner, Raymond Jones, Isaac Jones, Mr Hewitt holding Dennis Hewitt with Union Jack.
Mr and Mrs Wilfred Draper are at the bedroom window on the right.
The Silver Jubilee of King George and Queen Mary on 6th May 1935.
At the entry of Hutchby row. 227/229 Sheffield Road.
Tom Swindell, David Milner, Mary Williams, Gladys Sharp (Milner) holding gthe baby, Flory Manchester, Emma Manchester, Doris Jones, Flory Jones, Mrs Tesh, John Oldfield.
Front row: Norman Turner, Raymond Jones, Isaac Jones, Mr Hewitt holding Dennis Hewitt with Union Jack.
Mr and Mrs Wilfred Draper are at the bedroom window on the right.