2 thoughts on “Shops on Kirkcroft Lane. St Giles Church in background. Photo courtesy of Mrs A Staples.”
One of these burnt down in the late 1950s/early 1960s – sadly I think a child was killed. There was also a milleners and a coffee bar in the early 1960s
The shop that burnt down is not shown here, it was further to the left of the picture past the top of footpath leading to Nethermoor Lane, it was a general store and yes a child died in the fire. I remember because I was there at the time, my father was Haydn Smith who ran the hardware & electrical shop at the top of footpath. My grandparents and uncle lived in the houses set back in the picture, just to the left of the church.
One of these burnt down in the late 1950s/early 1960s – sadly I think a child was killed. There was also a milleners and a coffee bar in the early 1960s
The shop that burnt down is not shown here, it was further to the left of the picture past the top of footpath leading to Nethermoor Lane, it was a general store and yes a child died in the fire. I remember because I was there at the time, my father was Haydn Smith who ran the hardware & electrical shop at the top of footpath. My grandparents and uncle lived in the houses set back in the picture, just to the left of the church.