Killamarsh Juniors Cricket Team. Back row – no names given. Front row Unknown, Unknown, Sid Carr, Unknown, Unknown, Harold Carr. Photo courtesy of Glynn Beedham.
4 thoughts on “Killamarsh Juniors Cricket Team. Back row – no names given. Front row Unknown, Unknown, Sid Carr, Unknown, Unknown, Harold Carr. Photo courtesy of Glynn Beedham.”
does anyone know the year this photograph was taken
names of team back row Terence Leah Mervyn Pillinger Raymond Pillinger Peter Hurt Lol Swindell Barry Jennings Albert Hallam (Scorer)
Front row Derek Wood Horace Parsons Syd Carr Sydney Cartwright
Bernard Ward and Harold Carr
does anyone know the year this photograph was taken
i believe the date of this photograph was 1951 and the
opponents were creswell colliery. a spectator
I have checked with a member of the team and he is
certain the photograph was 1950
names of team back row Terence Leah Mervyn Pillinger Raymond Pillinger Peter Hurt Lol Swindell Barry Jennings Albert Hallam (Scorer)
Front row Derek Wood Horace Parsons Syd Carr Sydney Cartwright
Bernard Ward and Harold Carr