You will see that we have congratulated Angie Dornan on passing the first year of her nursing degree (see under the Congratulations tab).  This is despite having kidney dialysis for eight years followed by a kidney transplant.

Angie has passed the following message to us which I thought we would include as it is very encouraging and as you will see she is willing to speak to anyone who is going through the same thing and would like her support.

If you would like speak to Angie let us know via the website or our email address.

Angela Dornan

Angie says:
Someone said to me when I started on dialyse that “you should dialyse to live, not live to dialyse.”  I kept that with me through the whole 8 years of dialysis, especially as by the 7th year I wholly believed I would never get a transplant. I did a university course (being on dialysis made sure I had plenty of study time!), and we made sure we went on holiday every year. There are plenty of places in the UK  that offer dialysis away from home.
 I got my transplant after 8 years and I met someone recently who dialysed for 11 years before she got hers; so there is still hope if you are on dialysis and have been for a while. When I got my transplant, I decided to do everything I had always wanted to do as I felt I had been given a second chance; so I applied for my nursing degree – first year passed successfully!! – and a motorbike!
I had lots of support from my friends and family to get through the whole thing. If you haven’t got that support and would like someone to talk to, drop Pat a line . She knows how to get in touch with me, and I’ll give you a ring.
Thanks,  Angie Dornan

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